Friday, June 28, 2019

Red Hat Summit 2019: My notes

My notes from sessions at Red Hat Summit 2019 are for my reference and as documentation for any submitted continuing education credits.

The Ansible party was awesome as usual (even if was a part of the Smart Management party). Great food at Legal Harborside with lots of people I wanted to see.

I'm glad I watched most keynotes remotely. The one I did attend in person reminded me of how cold that space is and how many people where chemical scents that trigger my asthma.

Ran into more cool people at the Red Hat Women’s Leadership Community Luncheon.

Remaining notes include sessions attended as a reminder of which slides or videos to reference for more details as well as topics, commands, and keyword to dig into in the future.

Keynote recordings are available in the YouTube channel.

Session descriptions have links (where available) to slide decks.

On Demand session recordings require a login.

5/7: Red Hat security roadmap : It's a lifestyle, not a product

  • Speaker: Mark Thacker, Red Hat
  • Slides available
  • Recording available

5/7: The current and future state of security: A discussion of security challenges (Birds of a feather)

5/7: Successfully implementing DevSecOps: Lessons learned

  • Speakers: William Henry, Red Hat; Deven Phillips, Red Hat, Inc.; Lucy Kerner, Red Hat
  • UBI - Universal Base Image
  • Case Study: Homeland Security in Innovative Labs
  • Look at pipeline box on Heritage slide.

5/7: Security: Emerging technologies and open source

  • Speaker: Mike Bursell, Red Hat; Nathaniel McCallum
  • Slides available
  • Recording available

5/8: Top 10 security changes in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  • Speaker: Mark Thacker, Red Hat
  • Slides Available
  • Recording Available

5/8: Security and compliance automation: Demos of current capabilities and future technologies

  • Speakers: Shawn Wells; Chris Reynolds, Red Hat; Gabriel Alford, Red Hat Inc
  • Included pipelines with Ansible Tower, SCAP, and Open Controls.

5/9: Red Hat on Red Hat: Transitioning Red Hat IT to hybrid cloud infrastructure using OpenStack and Ceph Storage

  • Speakers: Brian Atkisson, Red Hat, Inc.; Matthew Carpenter, Red Hat, Inc.
  • Slides Available

5/9: Evolution of a Linux system identity and authentication stack

  • Speaker: Dmitri Pal, Red Hat, Inc.
  • Slides Available

5/9: A practical introduction to container security using CRI-O (LAB)


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